In a world where division and disconnection often overshadow our shared humanity, the call to unity has never been more urgent.
The 4th Annual Online Centering Prayer Summit on January 25-26 offers a sacred space to move beyond personal peace to embrace a shared, universal connection with the Divine and all of creation. Guided by renowned contemplative teachers, including keynote speaker Cynthia Bourgeault, we'll explore how contemplative prayer not only deepens our relationship with God but also weaves us closer to one another, illuminating our shared journey.
Through shared silence and wisdom teachings, we'll uncover the Divine thread that connects us all, revealing the wholeness amidst the fragments.
Experience a Deeper Sense of Spiritual Wholeness: Immerse yourself in practices that foster a true sense of oneness with God and each other.
Explore Unity and Non-Duality: we'll dive themes of non-duality, unity consciousness, and interspirituality.
Learn from Esteemed Contemplative Teachers: Engage with contemplative teachings, live or recorded, with opportunity to engage and ask questions to the presenters.
January 25, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:15pm ET
January 26, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:15pm ET
Whether you're new to Centering Prayer or a seasoned practitioner, this summit meets you where you are. and to lead us all into deeper connection and transformation. Take this opportunity to pause, reflect, and immerse yourself in contemplative prayer & silence to remember your oneness with the Divine and all of creation.
Guided Meditations: Cultivate inner stillness and deepen your contemplative presence.
Engaging Talks: Explore the nuances of Centering Prayer and non-dual awareness.
Interactive Q&A Sessions: Address your personal questions & challenges directly with our speakers.
Sacred Silence: Experience moments of silence woven throughout the schedule, creating space for deep listening and presence.
Saturday & Sunday 9:30am ET/6:00am PT - 5:00pm ET/2:00pm PT
* All Presentations are Live via Zoom & Recorded *
Robert Currie
The 2022 Centering Prayer Summit was a gift. It increased my knowledge about centering prayer and offered new insights into our practice. The variety of speakers and their topics generated curiosity and enthusiasm. The impact of this will reverberate out to my personal practice, to my own centering prayer group, to the centering prayer group I help co-facilitate in a local prison, and out into the small corner of the world where I live. I feel deeply grateful for all and to all.
Annelle Tanner
As a "newbie" to Centering Prayer, this summit GREATLY kindled my desire to delve deeper into the practice. AND I learned many ways to do that!! The speakers were authentic and inspirational and encouraging. I appreciate the availability of recordings of all sessions; I foresee spending time exploring more deeply many of the topics - actually ALL of the topics- discussed. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!
Brian Russell
I found the Centering Prayer Summit to be both informative and transformational. I enjoyed learning from both long established contemplative teachers as well as new voices. All of the speakers were well prepared and helpful. Two of the sessions: Mary Dwyer's and Rev. Nhiên's in particular impacted me personally as they spoke into areas in which I needed to open myself to even more growth in grace. I also benefited from the actual group centering prayer sessions. It was a blessing knowing I was sitting in silence along with several hundred other like-minded souls.
Friday Night Bonus Teaching
The night before the Summit officially begins, join Keith to explore the dance between our personal-sense-of-self and our shared, universal essence that is one with God, and one with all.
This gathering will include contemplative teaching, small group sharing and time for questions and response.
A Post-Summit Contemplation Day
One week after the Centering Prayer Summit, join us for a day of reflection, connection, and practice. Facilitated by Keith Kristich & Colleen Thomas, this session invites you to revisit the teachings, explore your insights in small groups, and deepen your understanding through contemplation.
We'll let the wisdom of the Summit settle and take root in our everyday lives.
Keith Kristich
Founder of
Closer Than Breath
Colleen Thomas
Diversity Outreach Coordinator of
Contemplative Outreach
Scholarships are available.
Closer Than Breath firmly believes that:
*There should be no financial barrier to spiritual formation.*
To inquire about scholarships, email
We strive to offer a truly transformative and quality experience.
If, within a week after the summit, you feel it hasn't met your expectations, please contact our team and share your experience. We are committed to your satisfaction and will offer a refund as needed.
Our goal is to ensure this event supports and uplifts you.